I've managed to push and I mean seriously push the limit last week!

July 13 in 2012 is when I started supporting Wireless Belgium .
Until then, I was afraid of heights, and when I say afraid of heights, I mean couldn't get to the top step of your regular household-folding-ladder.
Then I subtly got moved from "ground crew" to a different level.

It's been a gradual challenge, every time taking things a step further than the last, and it's the same sh*t every different day: Take a deep breath, keep your focus on the task at hand, have faith in yourself, your colleagues, your combined judgement and equipment.

 Oh, and whatever you do, don't start looking down and wondering what the F you got yourself into this time!

This one however, was a completely different ballgame.
Standing at the bottom of a deserted drop tower where the target is 76 meters above you while gearing up for the trip is nothing I imagined I'd be doing that day but since no one told me not to I figured "Why not? It's not like I have either the condition or the courage to reach the top, I'll just give it a small go, give up and come back down."  

After all, climbing 76 meters straight up trough a variety of hatches and manholes, between all sorts of cables and machinery, in a metal tower gently but decisively swinging in the wind is no easy task. 

Things turned out a bit different!

On the left: my colleague who led the way and was kind enough to ignore all of my fears and get me straight to work.
On the right, yours truly trying to not look scared senseless as only the second member of the entire team having conquered this mountain.

One life, live it!